but first, how did i get involved with this? well, my friend chris sent me an email about hcm sometime around the beginning of the semester, when summer plans were fresh on my mind. no really, they were, i had actually been praying, asking God how he wanted me to serve him this summer. so i talked to some friends about the idea of doing something in the city, instead of being in a camp environment like i did last summer (which was awesome, and God worked in marvelous ways) and i asked them to pray for me to be able to discern what would be the best environment. i asked my parents to do the same. so we prayed... for awhile.
...and as time went on i still wasn't sure what to do, and the application deadline was fast approaching. so i took a step forward and told God that i was excited about doing something in Hartford this summer, and if it was where i would be able to serve him best, that i would be accepted into the program.
i got a call a few weeks later when i was at my friend jeff and lisa's house. i got in, and that's why you're here reading this. :)

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